You can always come home

This morning, I had the supreme pleasure of teaching my “old” Spinning class again. I used to be the 6 am teacher on Tues/Thurs and I loved my crew — awesome riders, awesome people. Then, I got pregnant and was too fatigued to keep going, so I passed the baton to another instructor. That was 2 1/2 years ago! I still stop in and visit them from time to time, and they are still fantastic, although some of the faces have changed.

I had a great time riding with them today. It didn’t matter that I’m not a regular instructor anymore. I didn’t stress out over the fact that in many ways they are far better riders than I am at this point. I just came in to have a fun ride and hopefully challenge them to get out of their rut. When you attend the same classes week in and week out, it becomes very easy to quit working your hardest. You know your instructor, you know what to expect and how to “beat” their system, so to speak. I tried to shake them out of that mode of thinking. I think it worked!

I post these thoughts for a few reasons. One, because no matter how long you’ve been away from a thing you love, I believe you can always come back. Some things may have changed, but don’t be afraid to return home. — it feels good to be where you belong. Two, you might need to put some thinking into how to shake up your regulars who might have drifted into a plateau simply because they know you so well. Maybe new music or a profile you’ve never attempted or training for a Race Day or who knows! You’ll all feel better trying something new. (You might try signing up for Indoor Cycle Instructor for a month or two to get some incredible profiles to try with them!) And third, it has been too long since I shared new info and goodies with you all. I can’t promise I’ll be back regularly, but I will be back more frequently. I hope you’ll check back in with me from time to time as well!

Keep an eye out. First post will be the profile we rode this morning. It is one of my “Greatest Hits” so to speak, and it never fails to satisfy, even when subbing! Put it in your arsenal and see what happens!!

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Welcome AFAA test-takers!

so, APEX weekend is coming up. You know how I know this? My traffic spikes way up. 🙂 Apparently there isn’t a whole lot of help out there for the exam, so you folks find your way here. I think it is wonderful and I am glad to have you! I must confess, however, that the possibility exists that some of my material is outdated. I certified and wrote these instructions in 2007. Here we are 3 1/2 years later and it is quite possible that things have changed. By how much, I can’t say. I don’t think there is any reason to panic. I also don’t think the information provided here will make or break your success at the workshop. I would like to encourage you to stay alert at the workshop. If you hear, learn, see, experience anything that should be updated on my site, please don’t hesitate to come back here and set me straight.

You guys have been great and I hope that these details continue to assist you with your cert!


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